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How to make your customer support more personalized

There is one thing that you can do that almost guarantees that your customer will want to come back and do business with you. It’s delivering personalized customer service. Delivering personalized customer service means adding a familiar, human touch to every interaction. Anyone who contacts your business should be treated humanely and pleasantly by your team. In its simplest form it may be just using the customer’s name. That might sound easy but in online it’s not always. Personalized customer service helps your business stand out. In fact, a study by Digital Trends showed that 73% of customers would rather buy from businesses who personalize their experience. So, if you’re not delivering a personalized experience, it’s time to do so.

Personalized customer service goes above and beyond satisfying customers needs, it gives them a reason other than your product to favor your brand. Customer satisfaction is a crucial differentiator for many companies which is why it is important to personalize your customer service experience regardless of what industry you’re in. Especially bigger companies can find it difficult to personalize their services, due to their large number of customers. However, it is not worth giving up. Here are some tactics you can use to personalize your customers’ experiences.

Use the customer’s and your own name

Knowing and using your customer names sounds simple. But, It really is not always as easy as it sounds. There’s a reason why companies like Starbucks put so much emphasis into knowing and calling their customers by name. Research shows that major brain activation occurs when participants hear their own names being called. The experience is more memorable and customers feel valued. This is especially important knowing that 68% of customers will stop your services if they feel the business is reckless towards them.

You also should consider having your customer support agents use their real names in emails, chats, phone calls or other interactions with customers. It can be a lot more personal than communicating with just some random customer support agent. People feel more curious and comfortable when they get emails from a particular person not a company. This may sound silly, but it makes good sense. Using the customer’s name in conversation will show that you’re invested in their situation as an individual. They won’t feel like another numbered ticket to be dealt with and dispatched. Using your own name will make the customer trust you more, and give them the certainty that you are personally taking ownership of their predicament. Using names will boost a feeling of solidarity and mutual trust.

Know your customers history

When a customer contacts your business, your customer support agent should be on top of who the customer is, and have a good idea of why they’re calling. Your customers will appreciate not having to detail their information and past history every time they contact you. Personalized customer service strives to keep a record of the personal relationship customers have with your business. Thankfully, nowadays there are technologies that make this challenge easier. No longer reserved for enterprise-sized businesses, CRM systems, help desks, and varied support channels are accessible to a greater number of businesses. This lets everyone afford the tools to make their customer service more personal and efficient. Help desk software like ZenDesk lets you maintain detailed records about your customers and their previous interactions with your business. If your customer service employees can all access this information, they can then personalize interactions by referencing previous orders or past service issues.

Show your face

Adding a little picture of your agents’ faces next to their name in an email, live chat, etc. will go a long way to give your customer service funnel a more human feel. Plus, image previews boost conversion rates.  Make sure to use actual photos, not a stock image of a grinning model with a headset. One way to personalize your company is to make employees visible on your website. This way customers can identify themselves with you and they know who they’re buying from. It would be perfect if you could create a “meet the team page” where you show all of your employees and write a few words about them and their jobs.


Customers should never feel like a number in a long list and instead should feel engaged in a one-on-one conversation. While no two conversations are the same and some transactions won’t go well as others, you can ensure customers know and feel you are 100 percent focused on their concern during a call. Contrast that with customer support agent who chat with you while they’re working on your issue. Something as simple as asking a customer how the weather is where they are or if they have fun plans for the weekend can help humanize the experience. It is important to keep in mind that a brands’ service values reflect its identity, which is reason to reflect on how your customer service represents your brand.

Source : Zendesk


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