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Golden Rules of Customer Service

Smile. Use the customer’s name. Customer is always right. Always say thank you. These are well-known and important rules for good customer service. Good customer service is one key to success in business. That’s because good customer service is rarer than you think. In this article we are going to introduce some golden rules of great customer service. You can take benefit for these rules when you are developing your customer service even better and greater. Every interaction matters. You should always have time to your customers concerns, complaints and feedback. Every contact with your clients is important. You...

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What is a chatbot?

An AI chatbot is a computer program than can have a conversation with a human by text or audibly. An effective chatbot can simulate how a person would behave during a conversation. They are best used in simple practical purposes like customer service and information request. One such chatbot is the Zendesk Guide Answer Bot. The Zendesk Guide Answer Bot is designed to give agents a helping hand to reduce their work and allow them to focus on more complicated work, which requires a human touch. The Answer Bot can, for example, resolve tickets by suggesting relevant articles to...

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Why your Help Desk should move to the cloud

Cloud-based softwares, also called Software as a Service (SaaS), aren’t any particular application but instead a general approach to accessing IT infrastructure and software. Cloud softwares have changed the way you can use your help desk. You can think it sort of like what is difference between a regular car and an electric model. Both can get you from point A to point B in the same way, even though they have significant differences under the hood. The biggest difference between on-premises and cloud-based help desk software is that in on-premises based help desk all the data is stored...

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Abilities and limitations of Chatbots

These days, chatbots are automating customer service around the world. Bots are on the customer service front lines more often than before. These bots vary from simple scripted bots answering FAQs to AI-backed bots programmed to make product recommendations. Even so, the humans engineering these bots and writing their scripts are the ones who hold the keys to customer service. Here are three things to help understand bot abilities and their limitations. Humanlike AI is a world away When AI first came out in the mid 1950s, the computer science community had high hopes for its evolution. AI was initially...

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5 mandatory features of the effective ticketing system

There are many different ticketing systems available to choose from. Not all of these ticketing systems are equally good, but others have better features than others. There are a handful of features to look for when choosing the right solution for your business. In this article we are introducing 5 mandatory features that every great ticketing systems should have. 1 . Everything at a glance According Forrester study 42% of service agents are unable to efficiently resolve customer issues due to disconnected systems, out of date user interfaces, and multiple applications. The main screen of a ticketing system is...

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How to make your help center stand out

It is well known that investing in self-service can help improve a company’s customer experience. According to Zendesk, tickets with links to knowledge articles have a 23% lower resolution time, 20% fewer reopens, and an average CSAT rating of 2%. Here are some shared tips to ensure your knowledge base content meets the need of your customer Start with the top five articles in your help center According to Zendesk, the top five articles of your help center account for about 40% of all daily views. To create an effective help center, you should start with answering the most...

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How ticketing system works

Almost all of us have been using ticketing system at least couple times. You often don’t even know yourself when you are using ticketing system. For example, if you send email to some company, they are probably going to handle your mail in their ticketing system. It is same think in every channel. It is much more efficient to collect all the customers issues to one place than handle every channel separate. If ticketing system is built example around email there is really no way to make sure that tickets are read by the right person or to track...

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Benefits of integrating Zendesk with CRM software

Zendesk offers many benefits that traditional CRM help desk softwares don’t have. Traditional CRM help desk functionality can provide good financial returns for a company. However, Zendesk can provide even better overall business benefits, because it’s functionality goes beyond traditional CRM help desks. There are many scenarios in which the relational database and and integration capabilities of a CRM system are important. Using two different products and connecting them together can be puzzling. Here are six points that highlight why you should deploy both Zendesk and CRM. 1. Subscription cost Especially for a smaller organisation with a small support...

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Zendesk – The Leader in Help Desk Software

What is help desk software No matter if you call it help desk, service desk, or support desk software, all of them mean the same thing. Help desk software is a computer software that enables companies to resolve customer concerns efficiently by managing tickets from receipt to resolution. This type of software also empowers agents with a wide range of support and collaborative tools. Typically, this software automates important parts of customer service like ticket management, reporting & optimization and feedback. There are number of service and support solutions available that offer rich and robust functionality for optimizing the...

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