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How ticketing system works

Almost all of us have been using ticketing system at least couple times. You often don’t even know yourself when you are using ticketing system. For example, if you send email to some company, they are probably going to handle your mail in their ticketing system. It is same think in every channel. It is much more efficient to collect all the customers issues to one place than handle every channel separate. If ticketing system is built example around email there is really no way to make sure that tickets are read by the right person or to track whether the problem has been fixed properly. A ticketing system is the best method right now for dealing with customer questions and reported issues, it puts all parts of the puzzle in one convenient place. Simply ticketing system is a computer software that manages and maintains lists of issues. However very few actually know how ticketing systems really works. This article is going to explain how ticketing systems work and what different kind of systems there is available.

How ticketing system works
Everything starts when customer contact with the company. Customers often have the option to fill out a complaint form, send an email, start a conversation in a live chat box, or even comment using Twitter or Facebook. When tickets come in, ticketing system will read the text, classify the tickets, and route them to the appropriate agent. Especially sophisticated systems, like Zendesk will learn to recognize the subtle patterns in tickets context, then direct both the ticket and the best resolution to the appropriate agent’s queue. With individual queues, your employees can organize their tickets to be more efficient and can even look at the queues of their colleagues to see who needs help. Next, the best support agent for this particular problem will handle ticket and will make all necessary steps. Software helps the support agent hole time in many different ways, making it as efficient and easy as possible to agents handle their tickets.

Effective ticketing software will track every ticket from reception to completion. It saves all mails, calls and messages between customer and customer support agent. If the same customer reaches out again, the support agent will automatically have access to important information about that customer, including when they last requested support, what the issue was, how it was resolved, and even how long the customer had to wait for a resolution. This history data are also used to present various statistics and to develop customer service in order to offer even better service in the future.

Many different software
There is many various types of ticketing system softwares available on the market. Although the basic idea is the same in all of the softwares, they can be very different and intended for different environments. Some are only for internal use, some focus on IT problems, some work best in small businesses, while others are better for bigger companies. Some software contains nothing but a ticketing system, while others have also very varied features like knowledge base. Finding the best software for your company can sometimes be difficult. That is why it is recommended to think carefully and, if necessary, to get in touch with professionals when choosing ticketing system for your company.

The future ticketing system
Different ticketing systems are constantly evolving. The current trend is that the role of the customer service agent is constantly decreasing and at the same time the role of softwares and computers are increasing. It is predicted that artificial intelligence is going revolutionize customer service. In near future it’s possible that we see full automatic ticketing system which don’t need any human help. Already now machine learning tools can take ticket management solutions further with their ability to incorporate sophisticated contextual analysis, better feedback loops, and more comprehensive response libraries. Artificial intelligence is also able to suggest to the employee what would be good answer to customer in different situations. All this can be done while maintaining the highest level of service at every interaction. It is difficult to predict the future of ticketing systems accurately, but it is certain that major changes are underway.

Source : Zendesk


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