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Self-service support: The Top Secret To Customer Satisfaction

Learn how self-service support and agents can work to provide an exceptional service experience that keeps customers coming back.   To give outstanding support, customer service teams require their systems, tools, processes—and most of all—people to function in harmony. But in place of personalized service, self-service support is your stand-in, and it has to be just as good as your agents.   This harmonic approach is important because 69 percent of consumers want to resolve as many problems as possible on their own via self customer service options, according to the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report. Of course, self-service...

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6 trends to create CX in 2022 for businesses from The New Way of CX event 

The New Way of CX As a business owner, it is indeed important to pay attention to consumer behavior trends since technology has an influence on how we live our lives.  However, consumers are looking for something essential and trustworthy. As a result, we are always upgrading and keeping up with the latest developments. So that companies may adapt to the ever-changing demands of their consumers. So, today we have summarized 6 trends in creating CX (Customer Experience) that are suitable for consumer behavior for 2022 by Dr. Warunyu Suchiworaphanpong, CEO of Demeter ICT Company.  He delivered a lecture...

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The gift of new integrations

Square by ChargeDesk  Square by ChargeDesk (Support) (Chat) (Sell) ChargeDesk is on a mission to improve billing support. Our bespoke square integration is the most advanced and powerful solution for managing square data right inside Zendesk Support tickets.  Square by ChargeDesk lets you instantly view every customer’s billing history next to their support tickets, then perform key actions such as refunding orders and cancelling subscriptions.  You can enable access for your entire company, or select individual support agents to manage customer data. Our powerful role system allows you limit specific actions (such as refunds) to individuals or groups of agents. Our detailed reporting system gives lets agents see a history...

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StashAway + Zendesk: Human communication builds trust with finance Robo-advisor

Launching the region’s first digital wealth management platform, StashAway’s main value proposition is robo-advising services. While carefully designed algorithms guide its user investment journeys, human communication is what builds customer trust. This trust has helped StashAway grow into one of Southeast Asia’s largest digital wealth managers. Using Zendesk to deliver an omnichannel experience and integrate with local messenger apps, each StashAway agent can now process 80% more tickets every week.  “Being able to integrate Zendesk with WhatsApp and local social messenger apps is key for us to provide customer communication that feels familiar and at home, in every market we enter.” ...

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Understanding enterprise chatbots: Why we using them for customer support

Save time for your customers and agents with enterprise chatbots  Every minute counts for busy customer service teams. So being able to save more than 240 hours each month would be beneficial. According to Zendesk’s user data, that’s how much time customer care teams handling  20,000 support queries per month can save by adopting chatbots.  Also, Chatbots provide a critical opportunity for 70 percent of businesses that aren’t using them. However, Zendesk has seen a 48-percent rise in consumers shifting to messaging channels since April 2020 alone.      For enterprise companies, chatbots serve as a tool to assist the enormous number of...

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Why is Customer Service Important? Here how Zendesk can help you solve your problems

There are several key parts of the business that you can strengthen to increase customer service. Managing them and locating them in one place is also one of the key parts. As a result, we could share access with the team at any moment, and both individuals and your team can manage workflow and responses to customers more quickly and efficiently.  Therefore, in addition to product, marketing, and general business, we must prioritize customer service as one of the most important aspects of the business. As a result, Jeff Bezos, the founder and former CEO of Internet giant, said in a...

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good news! Zendesk is now connected to WeChat

WeChat is a popular communication platform from China with over 963 million users worldwide, making many businesses wanting to tap into Chinese customers often choose WeChat to build their brand awareness and to advertise their products. This article explains how to connect WeChat communication channels with Zendesk Agent Workspace so that customers who contact us with questions or report problems via WeChat will receive better service. Customer service and support teams are simplified through a single platform, Zendesk. In addition, all customer information and contact will be stored as a ticket as well. Initially, if you want to connect...

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What are the 5 Benefits of AI Chatbot for Customer Service?

If you are one of those who are still hesitant about whether AI Chatbot is right for your business? This article will answer all you need to know about using AI Chatbot for customer service. The AI ​​(Artificial Intelligence) system that everyone has seen in sci-fi movies may be as terrifying and terrifying as many stories say, but AI bots are actually not as scary as you might think. Plus, the AI ​​bot industry is growing every year because it is a concrete technology that brings significant benefits to the world of business and customers. According to The bot...

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Messaging best practices for better customer service

Forty-two percent of people worldwide have a smartphone, and 87 percent of smartphone owners use messaging. Let those numbers sink in for a minute. Customers overwhelmingly want to interact with businesses on the same messaging channels they use in their personal lives. They’re also looking to connect with brands through live chat on their web and mobile apps. Messaging already had the highest customer satisfaction score of any support channel before COVID-19, with a CSAT of 98 percent. And now, with consumers quarantined at home and relying on technology to communicate even more, the amount of time they’re spending on...

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