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Introducing Answer Bot

Customer should have the chance to choose the easiest path to whatever their goal is. Usually this means solving their problem quickly and on their own. According to Zendesk, 76 percent of customers prefer to find an answer to their question alone, as opposed to speaking with a customer support agent. One way for this, is through AI chatbots. One such tool is the the Zendesk Guide Answer Bot! It’s a great tool for customers to find an answer to their question even faster. Answer Bot uses machine learning to respond to questions with content from your knowledge base. Answer...

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3 ways to improve your self-service

Self-service is a recent trend in the customer service nation. A majority of customers would rather figure things out on their own than reach out to a customer service representative. Because of this, companies are expanding their online self-service capabilities, in order to deliver the support experience that customers demand. Better availability of online self-service allows agent’s to use their time more efficiently, as they can spend more time where it’s truly needed. Online service can be described as a win-win situation. Customers experience less friction, and companies curb costs by deflecting agent-assisted interactions. Here are three ways you...

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How customers benefit from Zendesk Guide

Up to 73% of consumers say that they want the ability to solve issues on their own, which is why companies do their best to provide a customer experience that is tailored to self-service. Even so, there are surprisingly many businesses who admit that implementing self-service isn’t a top priority, or it’s something they just can’t get around to do. Companies who use Zendesk Guide for their self-service needs have reported benefits such as reduced operational cost, improved agent productivity, and increased customer satisfaction. For a better look into the benefits of self-service, here are three customer stories that...

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