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Golden Rules of Customer Service

Smile. Use the customer’s name. Customer is always right. Always say thank you. These are well-known and important rules for good customer service. Good customer service is one key to success in business. That’s because good customer service is rarer than you think. In this article we are going to introduce some golden rules of great customer service. You can take benefit for these rules when you are developing your customer service even better and greater.

Every interaction matters.
You should always have time to your customers concerns, complaints and feedback. Every contact with your clients is important. You should take the time to identify customer needs by asking questions and concentrating on what the customer is really saying. Your customers have some of the greatest ideas that can grow your business, right on the tip of their tongues. That’s why it’s so important to put in your best effort to make every interaction valuable both for you and your client. Feedback from a reasonably critical voice can be the key to understanding exactly what you need change in order to really appeal to your customer base.

Failures are also needed
No one can succes hole the time, every now and then you also have to fail if you want to keep improving and developing. You should always consider failure as a opportunity to develop your customer service. When some of you customer complains about your product or service, you should listen to him/her very carefully. It is very likely that many other customers have experienced the same problem than he/she is, but they just have not complain about it. So when you are fixing this certain issue you are actually fixing the problem of many customers. That is why you should always encourage and welcome suggestions about how your company could improve.

Speed is not everything
While speed of course matters, there are however things that matter even more. You should always focus on great support before fast support. Even more than speed customers appreciate friendly, personal and high quality customer service. In today’s busy world, sometimes slower and better quality customer service can even be a competitive factor. Slower customer service doesn’t mean that the customer will have to wait longer time before getting contact with the customer service agent but that the agent has a enough time to take care of the customer’s problem without hesitation. 
Many companies are trying to make their customer service as efficient and fast as possible and forget about the customer experience entirely, you should not make that mistake

You should be wherever your customers are
Wondering where you should be spending your time supporting your customers? Twitter, Facebook, email, phone, SMS or somewhere else. Nowadays there are so many different channels and platforms to choose from. There is no one correct answer to this question, but the answer is always different in every situation. You should always carefully analyze what channels your customers use and how you can best and most easily serve them on these channels. Roughly speaking if your customers are eager Facebook users, then you’ll need to provide great Facebook support to keep them happy. The same goes for every channel. Companies that deliver excellent customer service do so in the channels where their customers are.

Treat your employees well
Last rule is about your employees, rather than your customers. You simply can’t provide great customer service without well-trained, enthusiastic and capable employees. Unhappy employees are not able to make customers happy. Give your employees the most effective training and proper motivation. Show that you value and respect them and they will pass this attitude to your customers. Employees are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are. Treat your employees with respect and chances are they will have a higher regard for customers.

The development of customer service is always a long and difficult process. It’s important to remember that these golden rules of customer service isn’t intended to help you quickly. Following these rules is not as easy as it seems, but if you start following them just little by little every day, it will bring your customer service to an absolutely different level months and years after. There are also many other just as good rules, instructions and tips for better customer service than just these five.

Source : Zendesk


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