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What are the 5 Benefits of AI Chatbot for Customer Service?

If you are one of those who are still hesitant about whether AI Chatbot is right for your business?

This article will answer all you need to know about using AI Chatbot for customer service.

The AI ​​(Artificial Intelligence) system that everyone has seen in sci-fi movies may be as terrifying and terrifying as many stories say, but AI bots are actually not as scary as you might think. Plus, the AI ​​bot industry is growing every year because it is a concrete technology that brings significant benefits to the world of business and customers.

According to The bot market 2018 survey, the AI ​​bot market was valued at $1.274 billion. and is projected to reach $7.5 billion by 2024.

Now that customers or consumers are starting to have a changed mindset and are familiar with AI that has been developed into Chatbots that help with customer service more, the adoption of AI Chatbots in the field of Customer Service has also increased. 60% of consumers communicated with a business chatbot last year, and over 48% of consumers found they were happy to talk to a chatbot because of the faster response they received. Moreover, the benefits of AI Chatbot are many from now on.

What are the 5 benefits that AI Chatbot can help with customer service?

But some people or some businesses may feel uncomfortable or disagree with the idea that Chatbot or AI will replace human communication. any but to help promote, alleviate the work of the service team and support customers, plus increase other opportunities for the business as well.

1. Customers get faster responses and responses.

Self-service customer service is becoming more and more popular. More than two-thirds of consumers say they prefer self-service to employees as AI Chatbots allow customers to find answers on their own and faster.

89% of customers said Getting quick responses or responses is very important in a company’s consumer decision. And when asked to survey consumers the main benefit of why businesses should use AI Chatbots, the answer is consumers can gain. 24/7 service is perfect for the digital world that never sleeps. This makes it possible to increase your business opportunities at any time even if your company is closed.

2. Service and support teams spend less time on monotonous questions.

If you ask if AI Chatbot can solve every problem when customers contact them? Let me tell you the truth that no. Because then humans wouldn’t be necessary anymore, but if you ask if AI Chatbot can help service and support teams a lot? According to the survey, AI Chatbot can help up to 80% of service and support teams. But it will solve problems or answer customer questions that are not very complicated.

That’s what service and support teams always need. Because they don’t want to waste all day trying to answer the same boring questions or problems all day long. It’s better to spend time developing skills in other areas when facing complex problems.

3. AI Chatbot freely customize to your style

Basically, as many people know, AI Chatbot is responsible for helping service and support teams answer questions with clear answers. only repetitive But you know, if this chatbot technology is integrated with other systems in your company like Zendesk, you can customize it to be more interesting and help your business than just answering questions. so boring

Whether it is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system that helps manage the relationship between the company and its customers by collecting information and showing the Customer Journey whether this customer has visited your website or not? You can then set different greetings between those who have visited the website and those who have never been. This gives customers a different experience in each situation.

And as a Help Center, when a customer needs help, AI Chatbot is able to offer answers or what the customer is expected to be searching for. The more it helps to create a great (CX) experience for customers. It also helps to reduce the work of the support team as well.

4. Reach customers through a variety of channels.

The world of customer service right now Omnichannel is inevitable, a Forrester survey found that 95% of customers use at least three or more channels to communicate with their customer service teams. Whether it’s a familiar channel like email, phone, but what’s added now are various messaging applications. The result of Forrester is Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp (but for Thai people. will be Line) These application channels have completely changed the way consumers interact with service and support teams. Through those communication channels, customers don’t just expect that they might already exist. But it’s a must have!

The good news is that AI Chatbots can infiltrate those contacts and act as an omnichannel for you as well, whether in email, on the website, on any application. how much you have The more you’ll be able to lighten your team’s workload.

5. AI Chatbot will always be developed to be smarter.

Another benefit of AI Chatbot is learning. The system will follow up on the responses of the customers when the bot is available. Then collect for further analysis and development of services and respond to customers in depth.

Additionally, AI bots are learning more and more different languages. Whether it’s a new language or a vocabulary, new words are used by customers differently so that the system can determine which response would be most appropriate in each situation.

The 5 things we have mentioned are not just advantages of chatbots or AI Chatbots. But those advantages will directly affect the customer for a better (CX) experience. and also indirectly affect the business owner or organization Whether to lighten the burden of the service department customer support Or even help reduce some costs for businesses that have adopted AI Chatbot as well.

If you are interested in AI Chatbot, Demeter ICT has experts to advise you on how to implement AI Chatbot (inGenious Chatbot) and Zendesk in smart customer service and support. to create the best experience for your customers. You can contact us through the following channels.

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