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Providing 24/7 customer support

Nowadays customers are becoming more and more demanding. Making business is also becoming increasingly international. It is not unusual that even a small company has customers all around the world. For example due to these factors it isn’t anymore enough to provide great customer service and support within business hours. What truly matters these days is your ability to offer 24/7 service and support to your customers. 24/7 support means a support service that is provided 24 hours a day and 7 days a week all year round. Businesses should ensure that they don’t allow geographical boundaries or time zones to come in between provision of support.

There are many solutions which businesses can use to provide customers with 24/7 support and service. Various 24/7 support providers make use of properly coordinated shifts with dedicated shift staff while others make use of geographical settings, such offices make use of staff from around the globe in different time zones. One of the best way to make 24/7 customer support easier to your business is exploit modern customer experience software.

Modern CEM, customer experience management software like Zendesk, offers many helpful features to make it easier to you provide 24/7 customer support. With Zendesk Support its easy to handle tickets effectively in many different locations and time zones. You can make sure that all of your customer support agents are always up to date. Zendesk Chat is module by which you can easily maintain effective 24/7 live chat on your website. It is one the most effective ways to offer 24/7 customer support all around the globe. Zendesk Guide gives you tools to build knowledge base and improve your self-serve. That way you can serve your customer even when you don’t be present all the time.

One very important thing when you are starting to expand your customer support to new locations is to remember that every country and place is different than others. Not only time zones or languages but also habits and manners. Different countries want a very different customer service and ways of using different support channels can be quite different too. For example some countries live chats are very popular while somewhere peoples prefer calling.

Source : Zendesk


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